
Legend-Motion is a declarative animations library for React Native, to make it easy to transition between styles without needing to manage animations.

    initial={{ y: -50 }}
    animate={{ x: value * 100, y: 0 }}
    whileHover={{ scale: 1.2 }}
    whileTap={{ y: 20 }}
    transition={{ type: "spring" }}


  • ✨ Supports react-native and react-native-web
  • ✨ API similar to Framer Motion for easy mixing of React Native with React
  • ✨ Supports animating SVG and linear gradient
  • ✨ Supports transformOrigin
  • ✨ whileHover and whileTap for easy animations on touch
  • ✨ AnimatePresence for exit animations
  • ✨ 0 dependencies using the built-in Animated
  • ✨ Built for maximum performance
  • ✨ Strongly typed with TypeScript

Quick Start

Legend-Motion can be installed in React Native or React Native Web.


npm i @legendapp/motion


import { Motion } from "@legendapp/motion"


Then set values on the animate prop to animate as the value changes.

        x: value * 100,
        opacity: value ? 1 : 0.2,
        scale: value ? 1 : 0.5
        animateProps={{ points: value === 1 ?
            "120,10 190,160 70,190 23,184" :
            "100,50 140,160 50,130 23,84"
        colors: value ?
            ["#F81FEC", "#59B0F8"] :
            ["blue", "yellow"]

See the Overview page for a more detailed usage guide.


Easy to use: We love the API of Framer-Motion in our web apps and wanted to build our React Native animations with the same ease.

Interoperable with React: At Legend and Bravely our web apps mix React.js with components from our React Native apps using react-native-web, and we wanted them to work the same way.

High performance: Performance is extremely important to us so we designed for maximum performance with as little overhead as possible, using 0 dependences and minimal code. This library is tree shakeable and comes in at a total of 3kb gzipped if you use every feature.

Svg and Gradients: The Bravely app makes heavy use of gradient and svg animations, so we wanted to make that easy for our developers and yours.

How it works

To keep the code small and and performance high, we tried to design this as simply as possible.

When a prop passed into animate changes, the Motion component starts an Animated.spring or Animated.timing animation with the new prop. If the prop is a string or array, it needs to be interpolated, so it bounces the value of an AnimatedInterpolation between 0 and 1, interpolating between the previous prop and the new prop.

For SVG animations, legend-animations provides Motion wrappers around all of the react-native-svg components, which itself supports passing Animated values into its props.

Linear Gradient animations were inspired by react-native-animated-linear-gradient (see it for a great description of how it works) and Legend-Motion additionally includes support for multiple color stops and animating start and end.



Moti may be better for you, depending on your needs. It has a similar goal and has some other advanced features like variants, delays, and sequences. But it is larger, depends on Reanimated 2, has a different API, and does not include svg or gradient animations.