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Crud plugin

Legend-State includes a syncedCrud plugin that runs on top of synced and encapsulates a lot of the behavior you’d use to sync with a CRUD backend.

You can use syncedCrud directly or you can build a plugin for your backend on top of it. See the source of the Keel and Supabase plugins for examples of plugins built on top of syncedCrud.

get and list

The crud plugin has two slightly different patterns depending on whether you’re using a get or a list action.

The behavior when using get is:

  • get: Observable value is the value returned from get
  • create: If get returned null, then setting any value on the observable will create
  • update: If get returned a value, then updating any value on the observable will update
  • create: Setting the value to null or undefined, or calling delete(), will delete
import { syncedCrud } from '@legendapp/state/sync-plugins/crud'
const profile$ = observable(syncedCrud({
get: getProfile,
create: createProfile,
update: updateProfile,
delete: deleteProfile,
// profile$.get() is a Profile

The behavior when using list is:

  • list: Observable value is an object containing the listed values keyed by id
  • create: Adding a new value to the object will will create
  • update: Updating a child value will update it with the changed fields
  • delete: Setting a child value to null or undefined, or calling delete(), will delete
const profiles$ = observable(syncedCrud({
list: listProfiles,
create: createProfile,
update: updateProfile,
delete: deleteProfile,
// profile$.get() is a Record<string, Profile>

The list function expects an array of rows to be returned from your API.

The shape of the observable object returned from a list can be changed with the as parameter, which supports three options:

  1. object: The default, an object keyed by the row’s id field.
  2. array: Treat the result of a query as an array
  3. Map: A Map, which can be more efficient for accessing rows by key
  4. value: Treat the result of a query as a single value like a get


The create function is called whenever a new object is added to the observable. If you provide a fieldCreatedAt then this is determined by whether the object has a value at that field. Otherwise it’s determined by whether the new value was previously undefined.

The returned value will be merged into the local value, applying any server defaults or created/updated times from the server value. See onSaved for more details.

const profile$ = observable(syncedCrud({
// ...
create: (value, options) => {
const { data, error } = await serverCreateProfile(value);
if (error) {
// Handle error, throw an Error to trigger a retry
} else if (data) {
return data;
fieldCreatedAt: 'created_at'


If an element in the observable is updated it will call the update function with the changed value. If you’ve enabled the updatePartial option then the value will include only the changed fields and the id. Otherwise it will be the full changed object.

The returned value will be merged into the local value, applying any server defaults or created/updated times from the server value. See onSaved for more details.

const profile$ = observable(syncedCrud({
// ...
update: (value, options) => {
const { data, error } = await serverUpdateProfile(value);
if (error) {
// Handle error, throw an Error to trigger a retry
} else if (data) {
return data;
fieldCreatedAt: 'updated_at',
updatePartial: true // Update with only changed fields


When an element is deleted from the observable, it will call the delete function with the id of the deleted element.

const profile$ = observable(syncedCrud({
// ...
delete: ({ id }, options) => {
const { data, error } = await serverDeleteProfile(id);
if (error) {
// Handle error, throw an Error to trigger a retry
} else if (data) {
return data;

Alternatively if you do soft deletes, you can provide a fieldDeleted option instead of delete, and then it will call the update function with that field set to true.

const profile$ = observable(syncedCrud({
// ...
update: () => {/* ... */},
fieldUpdated: 'deleted'


When a value is saved to the server you may want it to apply changes back into the local observable. There are two ways to do that.

  1. onSavedUpdate: ‘createdUpdatedAt’: This will save any fields ending in ["createdAt", "updatedAt", "created_at", "updated_at"] back to the observable. This can be useful if your backend updates these values on the server. It also works if you have updated times for specific fields like “noteUpdatedAt”.
const profile$ = observable(syncedCrud({
// ...
create: () => {/* ... */},
update: () => {/* ... */},
onSavedUpdate: 'createdUpdatedAt';
  1. onSaved: If you want more control over what fields are updated in your object you can do it manually with onSaved. Just return an object with the fields you want merged into the observable. Note that you can also just use this for side effects and not return anything.
const profile$ = observable(syncedCrud({
// ...
create: () => {/* ... */},
update: () => {/* ... */},
onSaved: ({ saved, input, currentValue, isCreate }) => {
return {
serverValue: saved.serverValue


If your backend has a realtime feature, or if you want to poll periodically for changes, use subscribe to set that up. This will be called only once after the first get.

This can be used in two ways depending on how your backend works, updating with incoming data or simply triggering a refresh.

When the observable is no longer being observed it will call the returned unsubscribe function.

const profile$ = observable(syncedCrud({
// ...
list: () => {/* ... */},
subscribe: ({ refresh, update }) => {
const unsubscribe = pusher.subscribe({ /*...*/ }, (data) => {
// Either update with the received data
// Or trigger a refresh of the get function
// return unsubscribe function
return unsubscribe

Sync only diffs

An optional but very useful feature is the changesSince: 'last-sync' option. This can massively reduce badwidth usage when you’re persisting list results since it only needs to list changes since the last query. The way this works internally is basically:

  1. Save the maximum updatedAt to the local persistence
  2. In subsequent syncs or after refresh it will list by updatedAt: lastSync + 1 to get only recent changes
  3. The new changes will be merged into the observable

This has a few requirements to work correctly:

  1. Set the fieldUpdatedAt with a field that is automatically updated by your backend on save. It should not be set on the frontend because inaccurate user clocks might cause data to be missed.
  2. Use soft deletes instead of deleting rows or include deleted rows in your list function. If the list function does not include rows deleted since the last update, the frontend will not know to delete them. You can enable this by adding a deleted field in your backend and setting the fieldDeleted option.

All options

  • get: Get a single value from the backend
  • list: List an array of values from the backend
  • create: Create a single value on the backend
  • update: Update a single value on the backend
  • delete: Delete a single value on the backend
  • onSaved: Update local value with remote data
  • onSavedUpdate: Automatically update local value with created and updated times
  • fieldCreatedAt: Set the field your backend uses for created times
  • fieldUpdatedAt: Set the field your backend uses for updated times
  • fieldDeleted: Set the field your backend uses for soft deletes
  • updatePartial: Send only changed fields into update function
  • changesSince: ‘all’ | ‘last-sync’. Defaults to ‘all’. ‘last-sync’ syncs only diffs
  • generateId: Provide a function for creating row ids.
  • subscribe: Set up a realtime connection or polling
  • retry: Options for retrying in case of error. Applies to both get and set.
  • persist: Options for persisting locally. See Persist and sync.
  • debounceSet: Debounce saved changes to reduce the number of updates
  • mode: ‘set’ | ‘assign’ | ‘merge’ | ‘append’ | ‘prepend’. How to apply incoming changes.
  • transform: Transform data as it loads in from the remote source or out as it saves to the remote source. You could use this to encrypt the data or transform it into some other format.
  • waitFor: A Promise or Observable to wait for before getting from remote
  • waitForSet: A Promise or Observable to wait for before setting to remote