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Fetch plugin

syncedFetch is a simple wrapper around fetch to reduce boilerplate.

  • get: The URL to get. If it is an observable or Selector function, it will re-run whenever the value changes.
  • set: The URL to set
  • getInit: The init parameter to pass to fetch when getting
  • setInit: The init parameter to pass to fetch when setting. Defaults to { method: 'POST' }
  • valueType: The function to call on the Response set. Defaults to json.
  • onSavedValueType: The function to call on the Response from set. Defaults to the valueType option or json.
  • onSaved: Given the return value from set, return a value to save back into the observable.


import { syncedFetch } from '@legendapp/state/sync-plugins/fetch';
import { observable } from '@legendapp/state';
const state$ = observable(syncedFetch({
get: '',
set: '',
onSaved: (value) => {
return {
updatedAt: value.updatedAt